Check it out:
So... Superfighters. It's basically a 2D arena shooter with way-over-the-top Hollywood action and a semi-retro artstyle, if that makes any sense. The idea is to have short, intense battles where you can either play solo against bots or with a friend on the same computer. There will also be some sort of campaign mode (solo and co-op).
And let me tell ya, we freaking love playing this game. It's extremely dynamic - with all the explosive barrels lying around, a stray bullet can cause a chain reaction that blows up everything on the map in a matter of seconds. The dynamic camera is very smooth, the bots are clever and hard as fuck, and I don't think I've seen Box2D physics integrated into a platformer quite like this before.
The shooting is pretty unique too (I think). You hold down a button to draw your weapon, adjust your aim with the up/down keys, and release to fire. This gives you full 360 degrees aim without mouse input, but forces you to stand still while gunning. I'm sure this system will bother some people, but it works surprisingly well. Hitting something takes *skill*, and there's a satisfying "click - pause - BOOM" thing going on. There are also grenades and melee weapons.
We hope to get this thing up on NG soon, but can't give you a release date just yet. Enjoy the video for now, and feel free to ask questions. :)
Looks like retro-sounding multiplayer Soldat =D
Wish I could help with some voice acting :D
Soldat was definitely one of the influences. I don't think we need a voiceover sadly, but we're glad you should ask. :)